Measuring Young modulus by holographic interferometry;
Analytic expression dependent of microscopic parameters on the Young modulus of metallic single crystal;
Measuring Young modulus of materials by the method of vibration reed;
The Young's module and force constants are derived from the total energy.
用不同于通常的计算力常数的方法,采用适于准一维链的力场,将势能表示为力常数的函数,并用STO 3G基的从头计算方法计算总能,由此求得杨氏模量和力常数。
This paper presents the ultrasonic data of velocities of P wave and S wave of exposure rock samples collected from CX Basin in Yunnan, and their dynamic elastic parameters (which include bulk compressibility modulus, Youngs modulus, shearing modulus and Poissons ratio) meesured by experiment under the simulated formation temperature and pressure (pore pressure and confined pressure).
Its found that colchicine treated osteoblasts have greater Youngs modulus than control groups.
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