veterinary college



1)veterinary college,兽医学院2)The royal veterinary college,皇家兽医学院3)AAVMC Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges,美国兽医学院协会4)veterinary,兽医5)veterinary medicine,兽医6)vet,兽医7)veterinary medicine,兽医学8)Veterinary Drugs,兽医药9)China vet medicine,中兽医学10)veterinary diagnosis,兽医诊断


Measures for bio safety for animal farming industry, such as re realizing the importance of veterinary science, reforming the current veterinary administration systems, reforming the production pattern of animal farming and paying attention to the safety of animal products, were discussed.

同时 ,对养殖业生物安全应采取的对策 ,诸如重新认识兽医的重要性 ,改革现行的兽医行政体制 ,改革养殖业的生产经营模式 ,以及正视动物产品的安全性等方面提出建议。

The paper studied the fundamental forms and mostly used reasoning methods of the logic thinking in the process of veterinary diagnosis, and analyzed, from the logic viewpoint, the diagnostic mistakes and treating mistakes so as to improve the medical qualities.


The article summarized the kinds of veterinary electro-acupuncture apparatus and application of electro-acupuncture in anesthesing and curing the disease of nervous system,digestive system and procreate system.


The thesis topic selection of the graduates for professional degree in veterinary medicine should have four special features: wide-ranging, interdiscipline, application and creativity.


Inovation and practice of teaching contents of veterinary medicine experimental course;


The different ideologies between the human medicine and veterinary medicine have been found by analyzing the characteristics of the two disciplines.


The article discusses the beast s basic recognize about China vet medicine from its grow history, puts forward trait of research means in China vet medicine.


Following the innovation in the methods and reagents, this technique has been widely used in veterinary diagnosis including the detection of pathogens, the location of pathogens, the dynamic distribution of pathogens, the found of new pathogens, the detection of pathogens in living animals, the review research for fix.




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