In this paper,studying find that using sandless kaolin and tallow esters as filler and adjuvant can improve dimetachlone's total suspensions.
通过对菌核净的助剂与填料的研究发现 ,采用含沙量较少的高岭土及脂肪酸酯类表面活性剂可提高菌核净的总悬浮率。
The total suspended matter(TSM)concentrations and absorption coefficients(a)by ocean color elements had been derived from Laboratory analysis.
The retrieved ocean constituents include total suspended matter (TSM), suspended sediment (SS) and chlorophyll a (Chl a) of surface water, broadband characteristics of CCD baffled the inversion of colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM).
Deposition fluxes of metals in TSP in Pearl River Estuary;
The atmospheric environment of Kashgar City is received the pollution of total suspended particulates(TSP) and falling dust by fragile ecological environment and unreasonable human activities.
Changes in atmospheric environmental pollution factors (SO 2, NO x , TSP)during the past five years in Huangpu district of Shanghai are reviewed, and the causes are analyzed.
该文对上海市黄浦区的大气中污染因子二氧化硫、氮氧化物、总悬浮颗粒近 5年内的变化情况以及产生这种变化的原因作了介绍和分析 。
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