A Case Study on the Equitable Distribution from the Background of Consumption Demand;
Focusing on the equitable distribution is the necessary requirement for building a harmonious socialist society.
The equitable distribution of the technical alliance of enterprise is a comprehensive definition, which refers to the distribution results within each member and among the members being symmetric.
企业技术联盟的公平分配是一个综合性概念 ,它指各联盟成员的个体分配以及成员间分配均处于对称状态。
organizational justice which has three dimensionalities:distributive justice,procedural justice and interactional justice.
Salary justice includes distributive justice,procedural justice,interaction justice three parts.
Organizational justice refers to people’s perceptions of fairness in organizational settings, including distributive justice, procedural justice and interactive justice.
In the light of the present situation of Chinese social income distribution,analyzes on the reasons of the big gap of Chinese social income distribution at present stage,and points out the concrete paths for giving full play the financial function to promote the fair distribution of social income.
Fair distribution implies three aspects, equal distribution opportunities,fair distribution rules and fair distribution results.
Promoting Social Fairness to Build a Harmonious Society;
Promoting Social Fairness Is an Important Characteristic of Harmonious Society;
Achieve Average Profit Rate and Promote Social Justice and Harmony;
Improve Benefit Coordinating Mechanism,Promote Social Equity and Justice;
完善利益协调机制 促进社会公平公正
Promoting social fairness and justice and building harmonious society of socialism;
促进社会公平与正义 构建社会主义和谐社会
Theoretical Analysis and Methods of Public Finance in Promoting Social Fairness
Promoting Social Equality,Fairness and Constructing a Harmonious Society;
Thinking on Education Equity Promoting the Economic Growth of Harmnious Society;
Efficient Equality as well as Attaching Importance to others; Promote the Construction of Harmonious Society;
效率公平并重兼顾 促进和谐社会构建
Promoting High Education Fairness for a Socialist Harmonious Society;
促进高等教育公平 构建社会主义和谐社会
Trade Union is an Important Force to Promote Social Justice and Equity;
On Improving the Impartial Law Enforcement Ability of Public Security Organs,Accelerating Socialist Harmonious Societies Construction;
提高公安机关公正执法水平 促进社会主义和谐社会建设
Discussion on Fiscal and Tax Policy Promoting Fair Distribution in Our Country;
Probing into social guarantee system construction problem basing on promoting fairness;
Raising the Government Public Service Level to Promote Social Harmony;
Promote the Fair Distribution of Social Income Based on the Active Display of the Financial Function;
积极发挥财政作用 促进社会收入分配公平
Improving the Realization of Social Education Justice by Government s Functions;
发挥政府作用 促进社会教育公平的实现
Consideration to Equality and Efficiency,Promoting the Harmonious Development between Economy and Society;
兼顾公平与效率 促进经济社会和谐发展
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