The influence of offset paper and ink performance on print gloss was studied.
The base properties of five offset paper was measured,and the penetration depth,after printing,was tested when the same ink enter into these paper.
The surface strength of offset paper can be increased markedly by treating the paper surface with a low temperature plasma prior to surface sizing.
The application of P47 retention and drainage aid in offset papermaking could consistently improve the first pass retention, reduce the loses of fines and other chemical materials, speed up the water drainage from wire and press parts, lower the production cost and have a great potential for broad application.
The quality of offset paper should be improved to meet with the development of high-speed offset printing techniques.
This paper mainly presents some solutions to the problems during light weight offset paper making, the idea of product upgrading by rebuilding.
The research on the Improvement of the white content visional effect of the domuble-faced offset paper;
Effects of the Basic Properties of Offset Paper and Art Paper on Printing Dot Reproduction
Effect of Printing Conditions on Wet Picking and Wet Resistance of Paper
Study on Wet End Characteristics of Closed Whitewater System in Offset Paper Mill;
Rebuilding on the Technology of Producing High-grade Double-sided Offset Printing Paper by Ordinary Newsprint Paper Machine
Specification for sheet-fed planographic offset press
Impression:(1) Pressure of the plate in contact with paper or blanket at the moment of printing.
The company beijing duoyuan electric group offers services from the ranges Paper cutting, Paper cutting machine in addition to Paper cutting machines.
Study the Effect of Surface Sizing Technology on Printability of Bagasse Pulp Offset Paper;
Carbon tissue: A thin paper coated with gelatin, plastic and pigments used to transfer the photographic image from film to a gravure plate or cylinder.
This new collotype sensitive glue suitable for summer use is prepared with the purpose of making a remedy for the default of the previous collotype sensitive glue which is apt to stick to paper.
A sheet of metal, plastic, rubber, paperboard, or other material prepared for use as a printing surface, such as an electrotype or a stereotype.
In printing, micrometers are used to measure caliper, or thickness of paper and board, the thickness of blankets, plates, packing and other materials.
The plate will be damped and inked and the images are transferred to the paper directly without off-setting to a blanket first.
印刷时,先湿润版面然后上墨。印纹不经胶布而 接压印在纸上。
Piling: The builup or agglomeration of ink pigment or paper dust on press rollers, plates or blankets.
a plate makes an inked impression on a rubber-blanketed cylinder, which in turn transfers it to the paper.
Wettability of Model Fountain Solutions:the Influence on Topo-Chemical and-physical Properties of Offset Paper
Casein: A product of skimmed milk used for sizing and as an adhesive in the manufacture of coated papers; also used in place of albumin as a sensitizer in plate coatings.
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