Specialization of the teachers is of great significance to the social identification with the profession of primary teachers,and an ideal for the specialization of primary teachers is to become specialists in primary education.
For the recent two decades, though much research has been done on the Russian education experts, the students studying in Russia, the modulation of departments and colleges, and the diffusion of Russian education theory, comprehensive study on the relation between Russia and China in education still lags behind and needs more concern.
最近2 0多年,研究者对中苏教育交流的途径、交流影响及反思角度对建国初期的苏联教育专家、留苏学生、院系调整、苏联教育理论在中国的传播都做了研究,并形成了一大批较有影响的成果。
To strengthen education of safety prevetion and improve the consciousness of self-protection of female younsters and children;
Enhancing Maritime Safety Education and Fostering Prospective Excellent Navigators;
加强海上安全理念教育 培养未来优秀航海人才
Connotative meaning of food safty and establishment of food safty educational system in China;
Feelings,make the teaching life-enhancing;
Appreciation: Essential Regression of Chinese Language Teaching;
Pharmaceutical colleges should integrate its teaching with pharmaceutical enterprises and serve the pharmaceutical economy.
医药高等专科学校的教育 ,必须与现代化医药企业的生产实践相结合 ,为发展医药经济服务。
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