Following the logical steps as natural phenomena, social phenomena, cultural phenomena, designmethod, and case confirmation, this paper makes study on“Dichotomy” for design.
Influence factors for production of dual-lateral well in multilayer heterogeneous reservoirs;
Based on analyzing the structure and working course of the injection mould with two joint surfaces, a multi media software was created by preparing materials, making cartoons and designing programs,which can be run independently in Windows.
在分析双分型面注射模的结构复杂性和工作过程特点的基础上 ,应用 Photoshop和Authorware等软件 ,通过准备素材、制作动画、设计程序及打包程序生成了能够在 Windows环境下独立运行的多媒体软件 ,实现了双分型面注射模工作过程的计算机模拟。
Ternary excitation energy transfer from biphenyl donor embeded in the interior of bilayer membranes cascading through membranebound titan yellow to membranebound rhodamine B was investigated in the mixture system of DBBTAB(4(4decyloxybiphenyl4oxytrimethyl)ammonium bromide) vesicles.
The molecular design of conventional amphiphiles of synthetic bilayer membranes was based on the consideration of hydrophobic chain interaction.
Based on the measurement of input-impedance of random devices by vector network analyzer,an improved method “two-branch-method” is proposed in this paper.
Study of double fractal dimension for granite polished surface;
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