Application and Significance of Diagrammatic Form in Multimedia Physiology Teaching;
Implement of Digital Monitoring Network Diagram for Integrated Services Based on CORBA;
Chemistry language may be divided into three kinds such as symbol,letter and diagram.
This article analyses chemical experimental data through Microsoft Graph 2000 in word document, protracts standard curvilinear graph, tries to get linear equation and relative modulus and masters its basic operation.
利用Word文档中的Microsoft Graph 2000图表,处理分析化学实验数据,绘制标准曲线图,求出线性方程和相关系数,掌握其基本操作,从而使实验结果更准确,图表更直观。
This article explains the function of data computing and inserting of graphic and printing of data spreadsheet from usual student score table in detail.
0 can t make graphic statistics that are largely needed in the practical applications.
Multi-frame Chart Release Based on Office Object Library;
Creating Dynamic Charts of the Avifauna in Web Using OWC and ASP;
Creating dynamic and statistic chart based on OWC components and XML technique;
Design and expression of diagrams in P.E. textbooks;
But editing the files often result in the following problems:(1)the diagrams turn out to be a dreadful mess with many unpleasant faults and transforms;(2)the locations of the inserted diagrams sometimes refuse to move;(3)the amount of the bytes of the files enlarges rapidly and occupies inner storage excessively,etc,To cope with these problems,tedious and time-consu.
Word文档中要加入图表时 ,通常用Word的绘图工具和表格菜单命令来绘制这些图表。
And it rather deeply discusses the detailed implementing steps of diagrams in C4ISR architecture designing process base.
Paring attention to role of charts in teaching;
Based on the 7 authoritative dictionaries,from the difference and divergence in the translation of English-Chinese linguistic terms,the paper analyzes the similarity and difference between English and Chinese linguistic terms in translation by data processing and comparing in words and charts.
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