The stand-by feedwater pump should be put in service as soon as the operating pump is tripped out.
Discussion of load resource in reserve market;
Compensation fees for AGC is based on availability、regulating capacity,regulating speed,regulating precision and the response time,peak adjustment is based on losing energy and times of start-stop;reserve is based on reserve capacity and duration;reactive power and voltage support is based on the influence to active power;black start-up restore is based on the requirements .
In the traditional vertically integrated utility, the generators always provide reserve without any payment.
Utilizing the powerful functions and flexibility of the Harris 2020 switching system and the ADV digital dispatching system, we have realized the simulation training and standby function of dispatching system through extending hardware and flexibly applying software system.
利用H20 20交换机和ADV数字调度系统功能强大、应用灵活的特点,通过对现有系统硬件的扩充和软件的灵活应用,实现调度系统的仿真培训和备用功能。
As one of the most important ancillary services, power reserves play a very important role in maintaining power system security and reliability.
备用辅助服务是电力系统的重要特征之一 ,关系到电力系统的安全运行与可靠性。
Introduce a sample of SDH application of automatic switching between duty and stand by communication channels.
研究了SDH的特点 ,探讨了SDH对提高电力通信可靠性的作用 ,并介绍了SDH在电力通信主备用传输通道自动切换中的实际应用。
This paper discusses how to enhance the reliability of stand by channel.
Discusses the factors and principles to be considered in determining the question of stand by units, according to the current design standard and handbooks, and recommends a few combination schemes for reference.
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