the locative, the locatum, and the agent verbs) for a close examination.
One group of the most frequently-used and important words in English is performative verbs (PVs), the study of which occupies an important part in the field of pragmatics.
This paper argues that agent acts as a principal element(subject argument)when an action verb forms its verb-centered construction.
This thesis carried on the investigation on "很" to be the direct modifier of the action verb "支持" and such similar verbs, apart from adjective and mental verb of affection, it refers to the semantics and grammatical feature.
Direction is one of the important features when the action happens in space, so it is very important to observe the space feature of action from the perspective of direction and take the one-syllable action verbs as examples to study the language embodiment of direction which is the space feature of action in objective world .
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