Research and Application of Cost Control in Entire Process in Real Estate Project Development;
Government Investment in Afforestation Projects Entire Process Regulation System Research;
The technical consulting services for the construction of Jilintai-I Hydropower Station involve all technical aspects and entire process of the project construction including hydrology,geology,hydraulic structures,electro-mechanical,construction and reservoir.
Experiment simulation of whole process on coal self-ignition and study of dynamical change rule in high-temperature zone;
Cost management of the construction project in the whole process based on the stakeholder theory;
The whole process tracking audit in the construction engineering;
Research on whole course follow-up auditing of engineering construction project of colleges and universities;
The article starts with analysing the relation between the fabrication cost of the project and project quality,have probe into the stage that the fabrication cost of the project forms,has analysed the impact on the whole course especially stage of running of project quality,and has carried on further demonstration through an instance analysis,has provided the conclusion finally.
Due to various problems now in the quality management in China, these suggestions aim at strengthening the quality supervision and quality control in the whole course of the capital construction.
在认真总结我国工程建设的基础上 ,通过学习借鉴发达国家先进的建设管理经验 ,针对目前国内建设工程项目质量管理中存在的问题 ,提出了加强工程项目建设全过程质量监督控制的观点和相应措
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