The history of the appearance,extension and change in the concept of WMD(weapons of mass destruction) is a record of political wisdom and stratagem,rich in deep-going and farsighted scientific thinking,filled with diplomatic wits and knowhow,and also with the shrewdness and acumen of the media,but at the same time it has been instilled with too much pride and prejudice.
indulged Iraq to develop its weapons of mass destruction(hereinafter cited as WMD) so as to improve U.
Through the study on the concept of weapons of mass destruction(WMD) and its political significance, this article pays more attention to the Middle East arms race, especially the nuclear factor in the regional security.
With the intensification of regional conflicts and the development of international terrorism, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) has become a serious problem with a great impact on international peace and security.
- Preventing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.
Shrapnel is a weapon of mass destruction.
On Weapons of Mass Destruction and Middle East Security;
Changeable Vision of Weapons of Mass Destruction;
The country is famous for having a huge quantity of weapons of mass destruction.
Mass destruction weapons bring more difficulties to the first aid.
大规模杀伤性武器为战地救护带来了更多困难。's an untraceable delivery system for weapons of mass destruction.
...就是运输大规模杀伤性武器的 最佳工具
He said that this could be the form of a massive lethal weapon.
Non-Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction and Their Means of Delivery
The Reasons and Results for Libya to Declare Its Denouncement of WMD Programs
Moreover, failure to halt the spread of weapons of mass destruction increases the chance for nuclear holocaust.
Then again, this year the US accused Iraq of producing weapons of mass destruction.
WAR or peace depends on whether weapons of mass destruction are found in Iraq.
The UN resolution required Iraq to surrender any weapons of mass destruction.
Iraq says the declaration proves it does not have weapons of mass destruction.
During the war, the two sides also used weapon of mass distruction.
"The world cannot shut its eyes before the fact that Iraq owns mass-destructive weapons."
However, we support the purposes of the PSI on non-proliferation of WMDs.
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