Based upon analysis of likely maximum velocity of intake Pipelines of Tai-cang Environmental Protection Power plant,expounded the approach to calculate the harmonic constant,forecasting the likely design maximum velocity of tidal reach.
According to the tidal data at Wusong Station, the harmonic constants of the selected tidal constituents are calculated with harmonic analysis, and then used to form the prediction equation of the astronomic tide.
The harmonic constants of the four dominant constituents M2,K1,S2 and O1 obtained from the analysis of TOPEX/Poseidon altimeter data are compared with the simulation results of global ocean tide model TPXO6.
The UM2000 frequency shift signal is a multiple frequency-modulated signal,of which the frequency modulated constant is a key parameter.
Method of short-time tide differential correction based on harmonic constants;
It is discovered that large bias exists in harmonic constants of tides derived from monthly tidal observations,and that the biases show correlation between adjacent tidal gauge stations.
By using the data of hourly tidal level of Zhapo tidal station in 1975 and 1978,harmonic constants are calculated respectively and the results are compared to testify the stability of the harmonic constants.
The harmonic coefficients of O1,K1,M2,S2,M4 and MS4 tidal current constituents are calculated in north and east components.
应用短期资料的潮流准调和分析方法,对东海三定点测站获得的表、中、底3层的25 h连续海流资料进行了分析,计算了3测站O1,K1,M2,S2,M4,MS46个主要分潮的北、东分量潮流调和常数,并给出了各测站在各层的潮流椭圆要素。
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