The application of spherical surface triangle on the quantization of sun circle daily turn around;
The Environment of the Sun in the Galaxy;
If the Sun disappeared,would the Earth move around the Jupiter;
Using Flash to Make A Cartoon of the Sun, the Earth and the Moon;
The principium and structures of the sun sensors are showed in this paper, and the development status outside are introduced.
According to the angle requirement for two ship s position lines, this paper proposes the method to arrange the time to take the sun sight further than the one near the noon sight.
Solar photovoltaic technology is a method by use of the solar energy.
This paper reviews the history of magnetic helicity studies and its concepts introduced into solar physics.
简要回顾了螺度引入太阳磁场研究中的历史过程,从物理角度讨论了相对磁螺度这个新的可 观测量,并指出其在理论和观测中存在的问题;着重介绍了磁螺度在太阳大气中的分配问题;探讨 了磁螺度和电流螺度的差别与联系、螺度半球手征性;列举介绍了磁螺度和其他太阳活动的联系, 尤其是太阳爆发事件中的磁螺度问题;指出磁螺度理论中几个还没有解决的问题及今后可能取得 进展的方向。
It has been shown by the theory of Kerr-Newman metric and relative statistics that the decreases of solar surface temperature can be caused by the increase of electric charge of solar active regions.
从Kerr- Newman 度规理论及相对论统计物理理论证明了太阳活动区的电荷量的增加,能使太阳表面有效温度降低,由于太阳辐射能量主要集中在可见光波段,从而使太阳所带电荷量直接同太阳总辐射之间存在着深刻的内在物理联系。
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