Exploration on Teaching Methods for "Principle of Computer Organization";
Exploration on Experimental Teaching of "Principle of Computer Organization" Based on EDA Technology;
Researches on the principle of computer organization experimental course have been done according to the characteristic of the course.
Comprehensive and Designing Experiments of Principles of Computer Organization and Its Realization;
Design for Multiplex and Interactive CAI Software for Principles of Computer Organization;
Design and implement of simulation experiment system for principles of computer organization
Exploration for Experimental Teaching of Computer Composition Principle Based on TEC-2 Experimental Computer System;
The Practice and Discussion of the Item Teaching Method in Computer Composition Principle Experiment
According to professional characteristics of the course in the agriculture college,and the difficulties and problems in teaching and studying,from the content of course and method Computer composition principle course reform was discussed in this artide.
Discussing the Teaching Model of The Organization Principle of Computer in Computer Experiment Course;
A tentative study of The Organization Principle of Computer Teaching
Principles of Computer Composition Course Design
Methods and Practice of Principles of Computer Composition Course Design;
The design and realization of "the principle of computer composing"courseware;
Design and Realization of MCAI Courseware for Computer Construction Principle;
Analysis on teaching the course of computer organization s principle;
A Probe in to the Reform on the Teaching of "Formation Principle of Computer" Course;
An Analysis of Teaching Reforms of Principles of Computer Organization;
Using Multi-media in Teaching the Course of "Principles of Computer Organization";
Probe into the Reform on "Principles of Computer Organization;
Probe into the Reform of Computer Composition Principle Course;
The Model of CAI of the Course of Computer Composition Theory Experiment;
The research of the CAI of the course of computer composition theory experiment;
Research and Practice on the Teaching of Organization Principle of Computer
Discussion on the Course of Principles of Computer Organization
Analysis of Difficult Points in Teaching“Computer Composition Principles and Assembly Language Program Design”;
Design and Implementation of Computer Component CAI System;
Depth Development of Complex Molding Machine on Principles of Computer Organization
Application and Discuss of Multimedia in Experiment of Computer constitute principle;
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