Effects of Cd and Pb on the Bioaccumulation of La in Brassica juncea var.crispifolia;
Interactive Effects of La and Cd on Plant Growth and Accumulation of Elements in Brassica juncea var.crispifolia;
Studies on technology of a convenience food consisted of club mackerel and potherb mustard;
Potherb mustard also names the greens mustard or the ardisia solonacea.
雪菜(Potherb mustard)又名雪里蕻或雪里红,学名Brassica Jncea Coss。
CP and HC-Pro genes of isolate NBXC were then amplified by immunoca.
1 浙江雪菜花叶病病原鉴定 从浙江宁波雪菜上获得病毒分离物NBXC,摩擦接种8种鉴别寄主。
Immunocapture reverse transcription PCR (IC-RT-PCR) were also used to amplify the CP and HC-Pro genes of TuMV in selected samples, and products with the exp.
从浙江宁波雪菜上获得97株呈花叶症状的病毒样品,三抗体夹心(TAS) ELISA检测表明97株雪菜花叶样本均检测到芜菁花叶病毒(Turnip mosaic virus, TuMV),所有的样本都没有检测到黄瓜花叶病毒(Cucumber mosaic virus,CMV) 和烟草花叶病毒(Tobacco mosaic virus,TMV);利用免疫捕捉反转录 PCR (IC-RT-PCR)对部分TuMV样本中的CP和HC-Pro基因进行了扩增,所有样品都得到约0。
Research on the compound flavor enhance formula forthe desalt pickled brassia juncea;
To ensure the quality of canned pickled cabbage and meet the requirements of FDA,the paper analyzed potential hazards in processing procedures and defined the Critical Control Point.
为了保证雪菜罐头的产品质量 ,使其符合FDA的要求 ,文中将HACCP应用于雪菜罐头的生产 ,对生产过程中的每个环节可能造成的潜在危害进行分析 ,以确定影响产品质量的关键控制点 ,并针对每一个CCP点制定出相应的预防措施。
The chub mackerel filets were degreased by skinning, bleaching with complex salt solution, pressing and bleaching with potherb mustard juice successively.
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