Application of pessimistic message logging in switching software;
This paper analyzes the key techniques of implementing the fault tolerant environment for MPI, and presents an automatic volatility tolerant MPI system based on uncoordinated checkpoints and sender based optimistic rollback message logging for Linux clusters which use M.
本文分析了实现MPI 程序容错的关键技术,并针对运行MPICH P4 的LINUX集群,利用检查点和消息日志技术,通过改造和扩充MPI底层的P4 通信库,提出了一套MPI程序容错系统的具体实施方案。
This paper presents a rollback recovery scheme based on partitioned message logging,models its performance,and then evaluates its average overhead.
本文给出了一种基于分块消息日志的回卷恢复协议 ,建立了其性能模型 ,评估了协议的平均开销 。
Experimental results show that the presented scheme improves the performance of rollback recovery,especially for pessimistic message logging protocols.
the AP admin log file messages
AP 管理日志文件消息
Those Admin Log file messages include
Messages that appear in the Admin log file and ROP
在管理日志文件和 ROP 中出现的消息
Messages that appear only in the Admin log file
Messages that appear only in the Admin log file include the following:
The AP generates viewable log files and associated ROP messages.
AP 会生成可查看的日志文件并与 ROP 消息相关。
The Research of the Message Middle Ware Technology
Error writing to log file; messages will be logged to screen only
Displays your system′s current critical alerts, event log messages, performance, and counters.
View the most recent list of critical alerts, event log messages, and performance counters.
Messages that appear in the Admin log files may also appear in the Read Only Printer (ROP).
管理日志文件中出现的消息也可能出现在只读打印机 (ROP) 中。
This lesson was also designed to enable you to identify additional log file messages as
Protection Synchronization Driver detected an internal error, contact the customer support service.
"Message Queuing may start offline until Directory Service replication completes. Please check the event log for details.
The Message Queuing Service failed to complete setup. Please look at the application events log for possible errors.
The aforementioned security fixes.* HTML quicktags now work in Safari browsers.* Comments are filtered to prevent them from messing up your blog layout.* Compatibility with PHP/ FastCGI setups.
The message '{0}' for application '{1}' could not be formatted using libary(ies): '{2}'. The log entry contains the following replacement strings:
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