Study on Nutrients and Antioxidant Activity of Potherb Mustard during Pickling;
In this thesis the law of the forming of nitrite in the process of pickling of potherb mustard had been studied in detail.
试验详细研究了雪里蕻腌制过程中亚硝酸盐的形成规律 ,通过试验找出了亚硝酸盐的形成与雪里蕻腌渍液的食盐浓度、温度、酸度、含糖量及杂菌污染的关系 ,为在生产中有效降低腌制雪里蕻产品中亚硝酸的含量提供了理论依
The study through pot cultivation, choose Cd and Pb, potherb mustard was used as a test material, discussed the relationship of absorptive character and heavy metals pollution from biology and environmental toxicology.
Studies on the chemical components of Rhizomatum;
Through a test about a fine variety and taming of the Carex giraldiana Kuk.
通过对雪里绿的引种驯化试验 (对温度、水分、土壤、光照条件的适应性及耐践踏性、抗贫瘠性 ) ,得出雪里绿在试验地能够完成发芽、展叶、开花、结实的年生长发育过程 ;能通过播种及分株方法繁殖 ;能忍耐的土壤最低含水量为 4 。
Textural research on"Xuelihua"in"Bencao Gangmu Shiyi"(A Supplement to the Compendium of Materia Medica);
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