Method:Suggestion therapy was performed to 32 patients with depression,the other 30 patients with depression as the control.
目的 :探讨暗示对氟西汀疗效及副作用的影响。
The technique of hypnosis is the psychological suggestion.
So it is greatly significant to give scientific analysis of suggestion and make rational use of it.
The context could either make the meaning clear or convey multi-implications.
This paper makes an analysis of and comments on the unique artistic q ualities in Shakespeare s works, such as wordplay, implication and symbolism.
本文对莎士比亚在其剧作中运用的艺术手段———双关语 ,暗示 ,象征———进行了分析和评论。
In this short novel,Chekhov employs symbol,implication,mataphor,contrast and other devices to develop the theme,which help to arm the novel with the seriou social problem,thus provide it with a deep realistic meaning.
在这篇小说中 ,契诃夫大量运用了象征、暗示、隐喻、对比等手法来暗示小说的主题及事件的发展 ,并赋予鲜明的社会内容和深刻的现实意义。
Using the basic element of constructing gardens, hinting from two terms of the actual situation, creating and setting off the garden by contrast are the wonderful aspect of artistic conception of Chinese classical garden.
运用构园的基本元素 ,从虚实两方面暗示 ,以对园林神思与韵味进行创造和烘托 ,是中国古典园林意境的精妙所
The psychological mechanism of enforcing physical education hidden curriculum includes the teaching mechanism and receptive one,the former influences students in the form of hint,infection,imitation etc.
Hint has several categories: hint of language, hint of supplementary language, hint of analogous language, etc.
On the Style Innovation of Ma Qiao Dictionary and Suggestion;
Chaos and Harmony An Investigation on the Writing Features of Suggestion;
A major method of physical education is the use of hints.
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