他受私心影响判断不确。 His judgement was warped by self-interest.
你要是以为我是出於私心,那你就冤枉我了。 You wrong me if you think I only did it for selfish reasons.
"这是怀特先生提供给我们的所有外出比赛的交通费用。" "很可能这是贿赂。如果我们真的决定让他的儿子参加我们的队,最好就不要收他的钱,免得别人说我们有私心。 "Here's an offer from Mr. White to arrange cost price transport for all our away matches." "That's probably an apple for the teacher, and best not accepted. If we do decide to put his son in the team we don't want anybody to say it was favouritism."